Have you purchased your Kepci Music Fest set? Fill up the details below to get your unique e-code(s). Once you've received your unique e-codes, please complete the registration process to get your e-tickets.
Phone Number:
Preferred Concert Location:Select LocationSelangor - 26 August 2023 (Sold Out)Sabah - 6 October 2023 (Sold Out)Johor - 21 October 2023 (Sold Out)
Upload your receipt: Please read the Receipt Image Guidelines before uploading.
Please note, this is not the final step. Follow the instructions in your email to secure your e-ticket to the KEPCI Music Fest.
By clicking here, I state that I have read and understood the terms and conditions and privacy policy.
I agree to receive news, promotions & latest updates from KFC as stated in the privacy policy.
Important Notice
Please ensure the receipt submitted is clear to get instant e‑code(s)!
Refer to the receipt guideline before proceeding.
E-codes via manual verification will be delayed.